

“Robert Creeley,” Oxford Bibliographies Online (American Literature)

In Print

“‘my eye locked in / self sight’: The Self-Portrait Poems of Robert Creeley’s Words Contemporary Literature (Spring 2021)

“At Will: The Queer Possibility of Jen Bervin’s Nets” Contemporary Women’s Writing 13.1 (2019)

“Forms of Accounting: Robert Creeley and Robert Indiana’s Numbers” Genre 51.3 (2018)

“Frank O’Hara’s ‘Dictionary of Art’: A Collaborative Ekphrasis” Word & Image 34.2 (2018)

“Adrienne Rich’s Persistent Survival” Women’s Studies 46.7 (2017)

“Frank O’Hara: Salute to the French Negro Poet, Aimé Césaire” The Comparatist 41 (2017)

“Not Our Regularly Schedule Programming: Integrating Feminist Theory, Feminist Teacher 26.2-3 (2016)
Popular Culture & Writing Composition”

“Coming Unhinged: Art and Body in Frank O’Hara & Jasper Johns” Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 17.3 (2015)