Clark Art Institute (Williamstown, MA)

A keynote talk given at the Clark Art Institute as part of their “Artist’s Book Weekend” (April 2024)

The Benjamin School, Distinguished Alumni Awardee

A speech given to the The Benjamin Upper School (Palm Beach Gardens, FL) as the school’s annual recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award (April 2024)

Network for New York School Studies (Interview)

An interview with Drs. Rona Cran & Yasmine Shamma about my book, The Collaborative Artist’s Book: Evolving Ideas in Poetry and Art (June 2023)

Pedagogue (Podcast) - Episode 128

In this episode, Alexandra J. Gold talks about teaching at Harvard University, #MeToo, social media and digital activism, and her book on contemporary poetry and art (October 2022)

The Harvard Crimson (News Article)

Class featured in article, “The #MeToo Movement Makes Its Way into Harvard Courses,” February 28, 2019.